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Early Adoption Yields Greater Results

Cancer treatment is more successful the earlier it begins, and the same is true for hyperthermia therapy. In our experience, we have seen that patients who added hyperthermia early in their radiation therapy or chemotherapy treatment enjoyed higher chances of a complete response. In simpler terms, the earlier a patient began hyperthermia treatment, the higher the likelihood that their tumors were completely destroyed by their chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

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Careful Consideration Early On Is Key

Several factors determine the optimal time to apply hyperthermia. Each patient’s type of cancer, its stage, and individual clinical circumstances dictate the optimal timing for hyperthermia treatment. That is why we want to hear from you as early as possible after an early cancer diagnosis in Irvine. After your initial contact with our team, we will strategize with you and your doctor about if, and when, to add hyperthermia to your cancer treatment.

Hyperthermia Uses Ultrasonic Heat To Destroy Tumors

For over 35 years, hyperthermia therapy has been using heat-based technology to amplify chemotherapy and radiation therapy’s ability to eliminate tumors.

Hyperthermia therapy uses targeted ultrasonic energy to heat cancerous cells, which weakens and can often kill them. 

Though sometimes used independently, hyperthermia therapy is most effective when combined with radiation therapy or chemotherapy. The increased heat spurs higher blood flow to the tumor, which in turn amplifies the concentration of cancer-fighting chemicals or radiation that can enter the cancerous cells. The higher levels of chemicals and radiation can also penetrate the cells at a deeper level.

Count On Patient Support From Day One

Here at the Hyperthermia Cancer Institute in Irvine, California, we understand how trying a cancer diagnosis can be. It can be overwhelming to manage all the logistics and the emotional weight of treatment. At HCI, we believe that every patient deserves support during this time. 

We work hand-in-hand with each patient and their oncology team to schedule hyperthermia treatment sessions and are happy to assist our patients with lodging and travel logistics when needed. We manage communication with the insurance companies and identify what are medically covered services and what the patient can expect as their responsibility for  medical services as their out-of-pocket costs. 

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Patient Assistance HCI Can Provide

Our guiding light is to ensure a high level of care and a longer life for each patient. Our team advocates for patients in the following ways:

  • Coordination of therapy sessions with the patient’s oncology team
  • Pretreatment insurance evaluation to see if a patient’s insurance will cover hyperthermia
  • Therapy at our state-of-the-art clinic
  • Identifying any out-of-pocket fees for the patient’s proposed treatment schedule
  • Coordinate with travel and appointment logistics 
  • When necessary, assistance with lodging and travel logistics during treatments by linking patients with charities offering financial support and free/discounted travel.
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We Want To Help You Defeat Cancer

At HCI, our purpose is to improve and lengthen each patient’s life and ensure a high level of day-to-day comfort. When adopted early, hyperthermia treatment can make a world of difference. Reach out to our patient care team to discuss how our cancer center in Irvine can help you today.

Cancer Diagnosis & Early Treatment FAQ

Who performs hyperthermia treatment at HCI?

Are there any potential side effects with hyperthermia treatment?

Can I still receive hyperthermia treatment without undergoing radiation or chemo?

Who performs hyperthermia treatment at HCI?

Your consultation will be held with physician Dr. Joseph J. Pinzone, MD, MBA, FACP, who will work with our trusted medical team to create a personalized treatment plan for you. Our highly skilled Patient Care Team will then implement your hyperthermia protocol with the utmost precision and attention to detail. We are known for our compassionate approach and life-changing outcomes.

Are there any potential side effects with hyperthermia treatment?

Hyperthermia is well-tolerated by most patients and comes with minimal risks. Because it relies on heat energy, however, it may cause mild skin redness or blistering. Our nurses will closely monitor your reactions to hyperthermia, ensuring a seamless, stress-free treatment process.

Can I still receive hyperthermia treatment without undergoing radiation or chemo?

Studies show that hyperthermia works best when paired with other treatment modalities, such as radiation or chemotherapy. However, some patients request only hyperthermia, and we still provide them with the care they need. Every treatment plan is individualized and tailored to your wishes and goals.

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