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Stronger Together

The ultrasonic heat technology used in hyperthermia treatments at HCI effectively weakens cancer cells. When paired with radiation therapy and chemotherapy, hyperthermia amplifies their potency. Because of consistent rates of success, hyperthermia is integrated into cancer care more each year.

Hyperthermia is most effective when combined with radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

An increased blood flow allows for a higher concentration of cancer-destroying radiation or chemicals to infiltrate the tumor. This surge in blood flow is caused by heat generated from targeted ultrasonic waves. In hyperthermia treatments, a specialized ultrasonic machine steadily heats the tumor to 109°F (43°C) over the course of 45 minutes.

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Multimodal treatment with no additional side effects.

Hyperthermia has been in use for over 35 years, and has been rigorously scrutinized in innumerable studies. As of today, there is no known evidence that hyperthermia has a negative impact on healthy cells.

Adding hyperthermia therapy can prevent cancer cells from self-repairing.

When paired with chemotherapy or radiation therapy, hyperthermia treatments reduce cancer cells’ ability to repair DNA damage. At the same time, the heat boosts the body’s immune system into attacking the weakened cancer cells. The one-two punch of radiation therapy/chemotherapy and hyperthermia strengthens your body’s defenses as well as the power of the existing cancer treatment while debilitating the tumor. This creates the most ideal path toward complete tumor eradication.

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A combination of treatments results in a stronger defense against cancer.

When combatting an illness as complex and unpredictable as cancer, a multi-pronged approach is stronger than a singular one. Combining hyperthermia therapy with existing cancer treatments ensures that a patient receives the most comprehensive defense against cancerous cells.

This improved method of cancer care enables your body to fight back, increases the impact of the existing cancer treatment, and breaks down the tumor’s defenses. It can also reduce the chances of treatment-resistant cancer cells from developing.

Advanced & hard to treat cancers respond better to combination treatment.

Certain types of cancer are more complex than others, and they, unfortunately, tend to be more resistant to treatment. Over 35 years of research have shown that combining hyperthermia treatments with radiation therapy and chemotherapy improves the likelihood of a complete response with hard-to-beat cancers, without any additional side effects. Each patient that HCI partners with undergoes a screening with our medical director Dr. Joseph Pinzone. During the screening, Dr. Pinzone reviews the patient’s medical history and conducts an examination. If hyperthermia therapy seems beneficial for the patient, Dr. Pinzone partners with the patient’s oncology team to create an appropriate treatment plan. 

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HCI Is Your Partner & Advocate

Dr. Pinzone and the expert team at HCI believe in uncompromising patient care. Each step of the process is designed to be gentle and supportive, providing patients with all the information they need to know to make confident choices about their care. 

If a patient decides to add hyperthermia treatment to their cancer treatment, our courteous staff works hand in hand with their oncology teams to assist with appointment logistics, insurance concerns, and lodging and travel when necessary. Contact our cancer center in Irvine today to learn how we can support you. 

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