Why choose The Hyperthermia Cancer Institute in Orange County, California?

The Hyperthermia Cancer Institute team consists of licensed healthcare experts helmed by Joseph J. Pinzone, MD, MBA, FACP. Our knowledgeable, dedicated providers are acutely focused on understanding the unique needs of each patient, striving to impact their journey through quality care. As a bastion of support for those facing multiple challenges, our practice is solution-oriented. We see every visitor to our clinic as family and go above and beyond to make them feel comfortable, welcomed, and prioritized. 

The sole focus of our Orange County practice is to provide state-of-the-art hyperthermia therapy using cutting-edge, FDA-approved technology. Patients choose us over larger institutions for our expertise, personalized approach, and compassion.

We offer treatments six days a week, every week of the year, to make care as convenient and accessible as possible.

What is bladder cancer?

Urothelial carcinoma is the most common urinary tract cancer accounting for around 90% of cases. The other 10% is composed of variants, including squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, small cell carcinoma, and carcinosarcoma. There are an array of risk factors related to bladder cancer. For instance, many environmental carcinogens are found in places of work, such as factories and industrial plants. Smoking also greatly increases cancer risks, whether you use chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, cigars, or cigarettes.

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Treating bladder cancer in Irvine, CA

As the field of cancer care has advanced, many new therapeutic treatment options have become available, improving patient outcomes. We target all types of bladder cancers at every phase of the diagnostic and treatment process. Our bladder cancer treatment in Irvine includes:

  • Urothelial carcinoma or transitional cell
  • Bladder cancers that have spread to the lymph nodes or surrounding organs 
  • Bladder cancers that are metastatic and have spread to distant organs
  • Bladder cancers that are still in the early stages
  • Cancers from other regions of the body that have spread to the bladder

A customized approach to your care

Each patient will require a unique approach based on where they are in their cancer journey. We target the tumor, leaving healthy surrounding tissue and organs unharmed. Our treatments can enhance the efficacy of radiation and/or systemic therapies. We support the full spectrum of solutions, from surgery, chemo, and radiation to immunotherapy. Increasingly, molecular studies that investigate mutations are called upon during the treatment process. As with most cancers, the earlier it is caught and treated, the better the prognosis. 

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What is hyperthermia therapy?

Hyperthermia is the controlled use of heat energy for medical benefit. When ultrasonic heat is applied to tumors, it can impact the cancer cells in profound ways. The cancer cell membranes are disrupted while blood flow to the tumor is increased. This makes the tumor more vulnerable to the body’s innate immune responses and to other cancer-fighting modalities, such as chemotherapy or radiation. 

What are the key benefits of hyperthermia in Irvine, CA?

  • In certain clinical trials, researchers showed that when paired with radiation, hyperthermia therapy could improve 10-year survival rates after bladder cancer by 250%. 
  • By increasing blood flow to tumors, hyperthermia therapy creates an oxygen-rich atmosphere, which is ideal for radiation efficacy.
  • Hyperthermia improves the penetration of chemotherapy deep within the hard-to-reach regions of the tumor.
  • Hyperthermia also boosts the body’s immune response, allowing it to better fight off disease.
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How is hyperthermia incorporated into conventional treatment plans?

Hyperthermia can be added to your bladder cancer treatment in Irvine at any stage of the process. Ideally, it is integrated at the same time the patient begins receiving radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Adding hyperthermia will not increase side effects, as it typically has no adverse effect on healthy tissue. Rather, hyperthermia can augment the efficacy of other treatment modalities without creating additional health risks. 

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