Understanding Hyperthermia – Harnessing the gentle power of ultrasound energy

Our patients rely on us to maximize their longevity, well-being, and peace of mind. Through clinically proven Hyperthermia Therapy (HT), we can enhance the efficacy of traditional cancer treatment modalities while also boosting the body’s natural immune response. Through a multi-session treatment plan, we non-invasively target tumors with ultrasound energy. The applied heat improves blood flow to the tumor, making it more vulnerable to removal efforts, both internally and externally. 

Chemotherapy and radiation can better penetrate the core of the tumor when combined with Hyperthermia Therapy, allowing for a higher likelihood of complete tumor elimination.

HT does not negatively impact the surrounding healthy tissue in any way, meaning that “it can’t hurt, it could help”. Each HT session takes less than an hour and is easily tolerated by patients.

Early treatment with Hyperthermia Therapy boosts cancer healing rates

Decades of clinical research have revealed that when HT is added into the patient’s treatment plan early in their healing journey, a higher rate of success occurs and there is a greater likelihood of complete tumor eradication. Immediately combining Hyperthermia Therapy with radiation or chemotherapy can directly impact the body’s ability to fight cancer and win. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

When first contacting our Irvine clinic, patients typically have numerous questions. Below are some of the most common answers our skilled, experienced team provides at our state-of-the-art wellness center in Irvine, CA:

What is hyperthermia therapy?

Is HT covered by insurance?

Are there side effects with Hyperthermia Therapy?

Where will my HT sessions take place?

What is hyperthermia therapy?

HT utilizes advanced ultrasound technology to warm tumors, weakening them and making them more vulnerable to both conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation as well as the body’s innate immune response. Used on its own or in tandem with other modalities, Hyperthermia Therapy has the power to revitalize your healing process.

Is HT covered by insurance?

We strive to take the stress out of your healing journey. Instead of leaving you to deal with your insurance company on your own, we handle the whole process for you. Our patient care team will find out what coverage is possible, the copay details, and any other related information.

Are there side effects with Hyperthermia Therapy?

It is rare that patients experience side effects with HT. Those who do only encounter minor symptoms. There have not been any studies showing a negative impact on healthy tissue from HT in over 35 years of clinical research and use.

Where will my HT sessions take place?

HCI patients will undergo their Hyperthermia Therapy at our beautiful new location in Irvine, CA. Our luxury, spa-like atmosphere immediately sets patients at ease and makes them feel at home. For patients traveling to us from out of town, our care coordinator can help book accommodations, rental vehicles, dining reservations, and more.

Comprehensive support from day one

Navigating cancer treatment can often present a maze of choices and possibilities. Here at the Hyperthermia Cancer Institute in Irvine, we strive to provide a comprehensive approach to your care, assisting you with compassion, patience, and transparency at every phase of the treatment process. Whether you have just been diagnosed, or you are seeking to enhance the result of your current treatment modalities, you have come to the right place and we are here to help.

Tirelessly advocating for our patients

Because early awareness combined with cutting-edge treatment options like HT translates to high cancer survival rates, we encourage patients to add Hyperthermia Therapy to their regimen as soon as they begin chemotherapy or radiation. To reduce the overwhelming nature of navigating cancer care, our caring team provides robust support for your healing journey, advocating for patients in the following manner:

  • We coordinate with other healthcare providers to incorporate HT as soon as possible
  • We perform a pretreatment evaluation of your insurance to eliminate guesswork
  • We assist with travel reservations, appointment booking, lodging, and other logistics to make your experience stress-free and seamless
  • We connect patients with charities that offer free or discounted services
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Get started today on the path to enhanced well-being and vitality

When you contact HCI in Irvine, our Director of Practice and Patient Services Matt Reed will patiently listen to your concerns, goals, and needs, explaining the process of Hyperthermia Therapy in detail and how it can help to optimize your healing process. If it seems like you are a good candidate for HT, we will schedule a private consultation with our Medical Director Dr. Joseph J. Pinzone, and begin to acquire your medical history and records. We will also begin a preliminary assessment of your insurance coverage. Once Dr. Pinzone has approved you for HT, we will create a customized treatment plan for you that can be adjusted as you progress in your sessions. At this point, we will work with your oncology team to best coordinate your continued care.

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