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About Endometrial & Uterine Cancer

High exposure to estrogens (either in women who produce extra estrogen or if given as a drug) is a key risk factor for the development of endometrial tumors. Because estrogen is produced in fat cells, obese women, women treated with postmenopausal estrogens or women with estrogen-producing tumors are at higher risk for endometrial cancer. Tumors in the uterus mostly arise in the glandular lining and are endometrial adenocarcinomas (endometrial cancer). Benign (leiomyomas) and malignant tumors (leiomyosarcomas) can occur in the uterine smooth muscle and have very different clinical features. One common symptom is vaginal bleeding, which typically spurs a visit to a primary care provider or gynecologist. Diagnosis is typically by endometrial biopsy.

We Treat All Stages and Types of Endometrial & Uterine Cancer

  • Endometrial Carcinoma (most common)
  • Leiomyosarcomas of the Uterus
  • What We Do
  • Target the tumor
  • Do not put fragile healthy tissues including heart, lungs, lymph nodes and any other affected organ at risk
  • Improve the effectiveness of radiation and/or systemic therapy

How Hyperthermia Therapy Works

Research has demonstrated that hyperthermia, when combined with chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy, improves outcomes in patients with endometrial or uterine cancer. The application of hyperthermia to a tumor can have numerous positive effects on cancer cells. In simplest terms, heat from hyperthermia therapy disrupts cell membranes and increases blood flow to the tumor, making the tumor more sensitive and vulnerable both to your body’s natural immune defenses and to other cancer therapies.

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Hyperthermia does the following:

  • Increases blood flow to tumors creating a high-oxygen environment, which makes radiation therapy work better
  • Allows for chemotherapy to penetrate deep into the center of the tumor where it otherwise has difficulty reaching
  • Can stimulate an immune response reaction within the tumor improving your body’s ability to fight cancer

Hyperthermia Improves Outcomes in Patients with Endometrial or Uterine Cancer

Research has demonstrated that hyperthermia, when combined with chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy, improves outcomes in patients with endometrial cancer.

Hyperthermia can be added at any time to one's endometrial cancer treatment in Irvine. Optimally, hyperthermia treatment is initiated as soon as the patient begins receiving radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Improving your therapeutic regimen leads to the best outcome.

For all patients, the goal is to choose the right therapy or combination of therapies that lead to the best outcome while minimizing side effects. Hyperthermia often has no or minimal side effects and has no known adverse effects on normal tissue. Adding hyperthermia can maximize the effectiveness of your therapeutic regimen without risking sensitive surrounding organs.

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The studies cited above include traditional hyperthermia treatments which are applied near the surface of the body. However, they also include data from studies using Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC). HIPEC is a procedure where heated chemotherapy is infused directly into the abdominal cavity at the time of surgery for endometrial cancer. This one-time heating has been demonstrated to improve outcomes. The hyperthermia treatment used at HCI is non-invasive and externally applied using ultrasound technology, delivered over several treatments.

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