We Treat All Stages & Types of Bladder Cancer

Recent advances in therapeutic options have improved outcomes for many patients. A growing understanding of the molecular causes of bladder cancer has led to a significant increase in clinical trials. Our bladder cancer treatment in Irvine includes:

  • Urothelial Carcinoma or Transitional Cell
  • All variants of bladder cancer
  • Locally advanced bladder cancers (spread to lymph nodes or organs around the bladder)
  • Early-stage bladder cancers
  • Metastatic bladder cancers (spread to distant organs)
  • Other cancers that have invaded or spread to the bladder
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What We Do

  • Target the tumor
  • Leave surrounding fragile healthy tissues including heart, lungs, lymph nodes and any other affected organ untouched
  • Improve the effectiveness of radiation and/or systemic therapy

About Bladder Cancer

Urothelial carcinoma, previously referred to as transitional cell carcinoma, is the most common urinary tract cancer and is observed in ~90% of cases. Variants including squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, small cell carcinoma, and carcinosarcoma collectively account for ≤10% of urinary tract tumors.

Risk factors for bladder cancer can include exposure to environmental cancer-causing agents, many of which are found in industrial and textile factories. Smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and other tobacco products also increases risk.

Treatment Options for Bladder Cancer

Depending on the stage at diagnosis, our bladder cancer treatment in Irvine can include options such as surgery, chemotherapy,  immunotherapy, radiation therapy, and hyperthermia. Molecular studies to detect certain mutations are increasingly important for prognosis and treatment decisions. Like so many other cancers, the initial stage correlates strongly with the risk of recurrence, as well as the choice and outcome of treatments. The earlier bladder cancer is diagnosed, the more likely it can be cured.

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How Does Hyperthermia Therapy Work?

The application of ultrasonic heat to a tumor can have numerous positive effects on cancer cells. The targeted heat generated during hyperthermia treatment disrupts cell membranes and increases blood flow to the tumor, making the tumor more sensitive and vulnerable both to your body’s natural immune defenses and to other cancer therapies. When paired with other cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, hyperthermia therapy increases the likelihood of a complete response to cancer treatment.

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What are the Major Benefits Of Hyperthermia?

  • One study showed that, when combined with radiation therapy, hyperthermia increases the likelihood of disease-free survival 10 years after treatment of bladder cancers by 250%
  • Increases blood flow to tumors creating a high-oxygen environment, which makes radiation therapy work better
  • Allows for chemotherapy to penetrate deep into the center of the tumor where it otherwise has difficulty reaching
  • Can stimulate an immune response reaction within the tumor, improving the body’s ability to fight cancer
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Does Hyperthermia Helps Treat Bladder Cancers?

Hyperthermia can be added at any time to any plan for bladder cancer treatment in Irvine. Optimally, hyperthermia treatment is initiated as soon as the patient begins receiving radiation therapy or chemotherapy. For all patients, the goal is to select the right therapies to yield the best outcome with as few side effects as possible.

Hyperthermia often has no or minimal side effects, and has no known adverse impact on normal tissue. Adding hyperthermia can maximize the effectiveness of your therapeutic regimen without putting sensitive surrounding organs at risk.

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